FORMER PRESIDENT NEARLY ASSASSINATED:The attempted assassination of a former president at a campaign rally, and an openly senile sitting president who was only recently forced…Jul 30, 2024Jul 30, 2024
ISRAEL STRIKES BACK:In the wake of the worst attack committed against the Jewish people since the holocaust, the Jewish nation, Israel, is reeling yet remains…Nov 16, 2023Nov 16, 2023
CHRISTIANS UNDER ATTACKThe recent not only egregious, but also disgustingly anti-Christian attack on a private Christian school in Nashville Tennessee (Covenant…Mar 29, 2023Mar 29, 2023
Why ‘Democracy’ is TerribleLast night’s election results had me once again lamenting the flaws in our liberal system of government. The apparent inability of PA…Nov 21, 2022Nov 21, 2022
How Socialism Fails the Nation:In past articles, I have often spent a great deal of time criticizing what I see as being the failures of excessive liberalism, and…Aug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
How Democracy Fails the UnbornRecently I published an article detailing exactly why I believed the “value them both’’ amendment had failed to pass in Kansas’s most…Aug 18, 2022Aug 18, 2022
Why Kansas Chose Death:In the wake of the Dobbs ruling by SCOTUS, many states have rushed to ban abortions, to protect mother’s and their children wherever…Aug 3, 2022Aug 3, 2022
The Death of Roe:Out of all the many complex and heated debates currently taking place in our societies today, it is perhaps true that none is more…Jul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022
Why Cancelling Russia was a Terrible Idea:In today’s world, and especially within the last couple of years, I have found it increasingly difficult to regard day to day life as…Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022